

269 Uppsatser om Maslow\'s hierarchy of needs - Sida 1 av 18

En fallstudie om bekräftelse i en förskola

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to answer the following questions regarding confirmation: In what ways do children seek confirmation in preschool? What are children confirmed for and how do they react to the confirmation? How is confirmation used by teachers? What do children want to receive confirmation for?The starting point for this study is based on the unique theories of Skinner, Maslow and Bronfenbrenner. The main focus with regard to Skinner?s theory (in this study) lies in reinforcement. In Maslow?s theory, the concentration is on hierarchy of needs while in Bronfenbrenner?s theory, the study centers upon interaction.

Hållbar avfallshantering : Ur ett ekonomiskt- och miljöperspektiv

Economy and environment has for a long time been studied separately and seen as incompatible. With a growing society and increasing pressure on environmental issues the need of a new economy with the environment included is necessary. This study examine if European Union´s picture of the waste hierarchy match the reality. Since the purpose with the waste hierarchy is to benefit environmental and economy. A survey was made over Käppalaförbundets waste from 2013, to see where the waste falls in the waste hierarchy.

Ledarskap inom äldreomsorgen : En kvalitativ studie om chefernas syn på motivation till sina medarbetare och hur dessa ledarkunskaper förvärvas

The purpose of this essay was to explore how the first-line managers in eldercare motivate their employees. In addition, we intend to study how the first-line managers acquire their leadership skills. To find answers to this purpose, we asked ourselves the questions; how acquires first line managers knowledge of how to motivate their employees? What is the first-line manager?s perception of motivation against their employees? The method we used was qualitative interviews with eight first-line managers in elderly care in Stockholm area. The results were analyzed by using two theories, Maslow?s hierarchy of needs and Hertzberg's two factor theories.

Min syster är särskild -upplevelser av att växa upp med ett syskon som har ett funktionshinder

AbstractGrowing up with a functionally disabled sibling can bring joy and positive experiences, but also complications. The purpose of this paper is to describe the experience of growing up with a functionally disabled sibling. I have chosen to focus the examination on how individuals with functionally disabled siblings believe they have been affected by their relationship to their functional disabled sibling and whether it has continued to affect them in adulthood.The examination was qualitative and conducted through interviews. The results showed that siblings of functionally disabled individuals tend to grow up with strong feelings of responsibility and anxiety that continue to affect them into adulthood. The investigation further showed that all interviewed chose occupations in care, and that they give great attention to relationships to others.

Självkänsla i förskoleåldern : En studie av förskolepedagogers arbete med barns självkänsla

I denna uppsats har jag valt att studera självstärkande inslag i förskoleverksamhetens vardag och knyta an dessa till teoretiker som Erikson, Maslow samt Sommer. Undersökningen är baserad på tidigare forskning, ovan nämnda teoretiker samt en enkätundersökning. Enkätundersökningen genomfördes på en förskola med 16 pedagoger och kan därför ses som en grund för ett vidare forskningsarbete. Studien visade att det vanligaste sättet att stärka barnens självkänsla var att låta dem försöka själva innan de fick hjälp av någon vuxen, uppmuntra dem att försöka på nytt samt att ge positiv respons när de lyckades. Jag fann av svaren flest anknytningar till Maslow samt Sommer, endast några inslag kunde knytas till Erikson.In this examination I?ve chosen to look at educationalists work procedures around children?s self-esteem and how to connect those procedures with theorists as Erikson, Maslow and Sommer.

Fina och fula brott : en intervjustudie om intagnas hierarkier på anstalt i ett genusperspektiv

The essay deals with hierarchies that occurs between inmates in prison. It deals with a theory that these hierarchies, when seen through a gender perspective, can be understood as a hierarchy where you are valued based on traditional male characteristics. Empirically, the paper consists of interviews with five inmates, or former inmates, who during a period in his life, has served a prison sentence at a closed institution. Based on the informants' statements, conclusions are drawn about which properties are valued low in the hierarchy. This becomes clear when the informants speak humiliating about sexually deviant groups, snitches, or sex offenders.

Varför volontärresor? : En undersökande studie om motiveringen kring volontärresande

The focus of this study is to dig deeper into what motivates volunteer travelers. The commercial side of volunteer travelling has increased in the past years, and young Swedes pay large amounts of money to travel to other countries and work as volunteers. The purpose of this study is to get a glimpse into what motivates these young people, and how this correlates to the rapid increase of commercial travelling bureaus that focus on volunteer travelling. Five people under the age of 30, who had been volunteering through a commercial travelling agency, where interviewed for this study. The results show that the main motivation for paying to go work abroad is actually the experience, meeting new people and seeing new things.

Förhållandet mellan ogiltighetsregler och konkurslagens återvinningsregler - regelhierarki, till vilket pris som helst...?

According to the Swedish Bankruptcy Act (SFS 1987:672) legal transactions can be reopened in cases of bankruptcy, if the transactions have been the cause of or were performed while the debtor was no longer solvent and thus harming the creditors. The legislations of the Bankruptcy Act chapter 4 §5 aim to protect creditors so that the debtor cannot withdraw their property in case of a forthcoming bankruptcy, as well as prevent creditors from taking measures against the debtor when the debtor is in financial difficulties. However, according to the Swedish jurisprudence there is a hierarchy as of according to which legal rules a legal transactions shall be enquired in case of bankruptcy. Firstly, a legal act must be valid, the transaction must thus be valid accordingly to either the law of contract, the law of property or according to the rules of corporate law. Each of these three legal areas have their own rules of annulment and any legal act has to be valid in accordance to any of the rules above before an action of reopening the transaction according to the Bankruptcy Act may be brought before a court.

Mating behaviour and hierarchy among male warthogs (Phacochoerus africanus) in Kenya

Warthogs live under natural conditions in matriarchal groups, bachelor groups and yearling groups. Just like all pig species do warthogs have a complex behaviour repertoire. The semi-wild warthog population at Kichwa Tembo Lodge, outside Masai Mara National Reserve, lives in a fenced area with access to food all over the year and is protected from predators. The aim of this study was to observe the male warthogs? mating behaviour and their hierarchy during the mating season.

Åtta invandrares syn på vilka faktorer som har bidragit till deras känsla av välbefinnande

The subject of this study is factors that contribute to immigrants wellbeing in their new country. Our purpose was to describe and examine different factors that according to eight immigrants have contributed to their wellbeing in Sweden. Our main question was: Which factors have, according to our respondents, contributed to their wellbeing in Sweden.To achieve this, we have conducted qualitative interviews with eight different individuals. We also collected current documents and research related to the subject matter. We chose three different theoretical perspectives: Antonovsky´s Sense of coherence, Maslow´s Hierarchy of needs and Mischel´s CAPS-theory (cognitive-affective personality system) as models for the explanation of our analysis.The result of our survey was that we could detach six different categories which the respondents expressed had contributed to their wellbeing.

Ideellt engagemang - en osjälvisk handling? : Motivationsfaktorer bland ideellt engagerade

Volunteering involves performing tasks without receiving any compensation for it. Interest in this idealistic commitment to non-profit organizations is growing and the primary reasons for this is to help other people, pursue their interests and contribute to the organization.The purpose of the study is to examine what it is that motivates individuals to commit to non-profit organizations. This study will only examine aid organizations. In order to answer the question four different theories have been used and these are the most fundamental theories in this field. These theories are Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Hertzberg's two-factor theory, Self-Determination Theory and The Gift.

Ensamkommande flyktingbarns motivation till skola och arbete : - ?Varje dag människor går framåt ett steg, och det händer genom kunskapen.? Abbe

The purpose of this paper is to examine motivation in studies and/or work among unaccompanied adolescents who received asylum in Sweden. We have examined how six unaccompanied refugee boys? ages 15-18 years describe their motivation, regarding both current studies and their potential future studies or work. We have attempted to capture the children?s stories about what the factors are that increase or decrease their motivation through qualitative research interviews.

Kuratorns position i sjukhushierarkin: en studie av professioners kamp om revir, makt och positioner i vårdteamet

Previous reaserch has indicated that the almoners position in the somatic hospital hierarchy is poor. The purpose of this study was to investigate the position of the almoner in the hospital hierarch today, together with what this position is based upon.The questions at issue were:- Has the almoners position in the hospital hierarchy changed, or is it still poor?- In what way can the almoners position in the hospital hierarchy be explained?In order to get answers to our questions at issue, we interviewed totally 13 persons from the three chosen professional categories, i e four almoners, five doctors and four nurses. Two of the doctors worked at care centres and the other doctors worked in hospitals within the Region Skåne. The interview material was analysed from the concepts of Pierre Bourdieus; field and symbolic capital and by means of ideas from the closing theory.

Vägen till motivation går via uppfyllda behov

Vad är det som gör människor motiverade? Enligt psykologerna Maslow och Glasser så är det vår strävan för att uppfylla de behov som vi alla har. Dessa beskriver Maslow med hjälp av sin behovshierarki, där de mest grundläggande behoven som föda och trygghet kommer först och behoven som tex självförverkligande kommer högst upp hierarkin. För att nå de höga nivåerna i hierarkin måste de tidigare nivåerna av behoven vara tillfredställda. Glasser har på ett praktiskt sätt tillämpat behovsteorierna i skolan med framgångsrikt resultat. Jag har grundat mitt arbete på att elever måste ha de grundläggande behoven tillfredställda och nått högt upp i hierarkin för att vara motiverade till att ta till sig undervisningen i skolan. Frågeställningarna som jag besvarat är dessa: Är lärare medvetna om elevers behov utifrån Maslows och Glassers perspektiv? Hur tillgodoser lärare elevers mänskliga behov enligt dem själva? Jag har intervjuat fem gymnasielärare för att ta reda på hur de ser på behoven och om de aktivt tillgodoser behoven i sin undervisning och i så fall på vilket sätt. Det som genomsyrade svaren som lärarna gav var en stor osäkerhet; de visste inte om de tillgodosåg behoven och var inte heller riktig säkra vad de skulle göra för att tillgodose dem.

Medical and dental tourism : en studie om sjuk- och tandvårdsturismens drivkrafter bland svenskar

This essay concerns medical- and dental tourism. The main purpose with the essay was to study which factors that affects Swedish choices to seek medical- and dental care abroad and therefore reach an understanding for Swedish medical- and dental tourism to other countries. The aim has also been to try to reach an insight in how Swedish medical- and dental tourism might develop the future. The study is based on qualitative interviews with five officials who were well-grounded in the field. The theoretical framework concerned the need of travel, push- and pull factors, Maslow?s hierarchy of needs and the thinking about needs within business activities.

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